मराठी ब्लॉगर्स नेटवर्क - Marathi Bloggers Network!

गुरुवार, २१ फेब्रुवारी, २०१३

Invisible Power and Parenting

In a relationship which involves two individuals, societies or nations, there always exists a battle to gain control of the relationship between two parties involved. In the most premature state this battle is open and stronger party uses power to gain control of relationship and forces the other entity to behave as per its wish. But this model of controlling the relationship can not be sustained for longer duration since there will be always unhappiness prevailing in minds of weaker entity. It will try to become more powerful in course of time and take control of relationship.
In more matured model of relationship, the stronger entity controls the behaviour of the weaker entity by putting it in controlled environment. The environment is organized in such a way that weaker party is brainwashed into behaving in a pattern desirable to the stronger one. This needs a lot of thought processing and self discipline on behalf of stronger one.
The similar principle can be applied to parenting in which parents can thoughtfully create an environment at home in which kids are driven into behaviour as desired by parents. In modern age it is desirable philosophy of parenting. Here is word of caution though, considering the intelligence of new generation, it is highly likely that this philosophy may not be long sustaining unless parents always keep on evolving their techniques.
Same principle applies to other relationships in professional and personal life. The complexity of the equation varies according to relation.

२०२४ अनुभव - भाग २

१. मनःस्वाथ्यासाठी लोक खरोखर संघर्ष करताना दिसताहेत. मी सुद्धा करतोय. माझा संघर्ष वेगळा आहे, तुमचा वेगळा असेल. जीवनातील एका क्षणी आपल्याला त...