मराठी ब्लॉगर्स नेटवर्क - Marathi Bloggers Network!

शनिवार, ५ जानेवारी, २०१३

State of Indian Cricket

Here are some important points
  1. There is change in nature of Indian Fan. We now have more fans for whom Cricket is just another means of spending time at weekend or at work. The passion for real cricketing skills in Indian fans is diminishing.
  2. Any team goes through the cycle of peaks and lows. After retirements of legends, Indian team is also going through similar phase.
  3. Indian team could never give a great performance outside sub-continent. The advantage which we had in our conditions is slowly diminishing due to IPL where foreign players get constant exposure to Indian conditions.
  4. We spend a lot of time in analyzing the game. This is gross misuse of national resources. Every person who is scrutinizing the performance of Indian team, how comfortable he / she would be if their own professional performance is scrutinized on public forum.

२०२४ अनुभव - भाग २

१. मनःस्वाथ्यासाठी लोक खरोखर संघर्ष करताना दिसताहेत. मी सुद्धा करतोय. माझा संघर्ष वेगळा आहे, तुमचा वेगळा असेल. जीवनातील एका क्षणी आपल्याला त...