Mathematics - Quiz (15 Minutes)
1> A car travels to hill top at the speed of 20 km /hr from base and returns at the speed of 25 km /hr. If the distance of hill top from base is 100 km then what is the average speed during this entire journey?
2> Give two practical examples where 11 + 3 = 2 holds good.
3> How many numbers are there which are less than 100 and divisible by both 2,3?
4> What is the angle between Hr and Minute Hands at 1:45 P.M.?
5> Was yr 1900 a leap year?
6> What is sqaure of 75?
7> 27th Feb 2012 was Monday then what would be day on 27th Feb 2013 and 27th Feb 2014?
8> x = 17, a = 1, b = 2, ..., z = 26 then
( x - a ) * ( x - b ) * ...*(x - z) = ?
9> 101 * 101 = 10201
102 * 102 = 10404
103 * 103 = 10609
then 109 * 109 = ?10> A monley has to cross distance of 100 m. In his first leap he crosses 50 m and in each of his subsequent leaps he crosses half of the distance remaining. How many leaps he would take to cross finish line.
1> Average speed = Total distance travelled / total time taken
Here Total distance travelled = 200 KM
Total time taken = 9 Hr
Hence average speed = 200 / 9 = 22.22 km /hr
Here you may get tempted to answer this as 22.5 in hurry.
2> 3 Hrs after 11 A.M. we have 2 P.M.
3 months after November we are in February the second month
3> Answer 16
The number divisible by both 2 and 3 is 6
There are 16 numbers less than 100 which are divisible by 6 and hence the answer.
4> The minute hand is at 9
The angle between 9 and 1 = 120
The Hr hand travels 30 degrees in 60 minutes
so in 45 minutes it will travel 22.5 degrees
Hence the total angle = 142.5 degrees
5> No.
The year which ends with 00, needs to be divisible by 400 to qualify as leap year
6> 5625.
To get square of any number ending with 5, first write 25 and then precede it with product of the number (7) and the subsequent number (8)
7> Wednesday and Thursday respectively.
In leap year we have 366 days, which means 2 additional days to 52 weeks. So weekday shift by 2 days
In normal year we have 365 days, which means 1 additional day to 52 weeks and hence the weekday shift by 1 day
8> 0
One of the term in the series would be (x-x)
9> 11881
(a+b)*+(a+b) = a*a + 2*a*b+ b*b
Here a = 100, b = 9
10> Monkey won't reach the finish line.
1> A car travels to hill top at the speed of 20 km /hr from base and returns at the speed of 25 km /hr. If the distance of hill top from base is 100 km then what is the average speed during this entire journey?
2> Give two practical examples where 11 + 3 = 2 holds good.
3> How many numbers are there which are less than 100 and divisible by both 2,3?
4> What is the angle between Hr and Minute Hands at 1:45 P.M.?
5> Was yr 1900 a leap year?
6> What is sqaure of 75?
7> 27th Feb 2012 was Monday then what would be day on 27th Feb 2013 and 27th Feb 2014?
8> x = 17, a = 1, b = 2, ..., z = 26 then
( x - a ) * ( x - b ) * ...*(x - z) = ?
9> 101 * 101 = 10201
102 * 102 = 10404
103 * 103 = 10609
then 109 * 109 = ?10> A monley has to cross distance of 100 m. In his first leap he crosses 50 m and in each of his subsequent leaps he crosses half of the distance remaining. How many leaps he would take to cross finish line.
1> Average speed = Total distance travelled / total time taken
Here Total distance travelled = 200 KM
Total time taken = 9 Hr
Hence average speed = 200 / 9 = 22.22 km /hr
Here you may get tempted to answer this as 22.5 in hurry.
2> 3 Hrs after 11 A.M. we have 2 P.M.
3 months after November we are in February the second month
3> Answer 16
The number divisible by both 2 and 3 is 6
There are 16 numbers less than 100 which are divisible by 6 and hence the answer.
4> The minute hand is at 9
The angle between 9 and 1 = 120
The Hr hand travels 30 degrees in 60 minutes
so in 45 minutes it will travel 22.5 degrees
Hence the total angle = 142.5 degrees
5> No.
The year which ends with 00, needs to be divisible by 400 to qualify as leap year
6> 5625.
To get square of any number ending with 5, first write 25 and then precede it with product of the number (7) and the subsequent number (8)
7> Wednesday and Thursday respectively.
In leap year we have 366 days, which means 2 additional days to 52 weeks. So weekday shift by 2 days
In normal year we have 365 days, which means 1 additional day to 52 weeks and hence the weekday shift by 1 day
8> 0
One of the term in the series would be (x-x)
9> 11881
(a+b)*+(a+b) = a*a + 2*a*b+ b*b
Here a = 100, b = 9
10> Monkey won't reach the finish line.